Saturday! What ya Doing?
I know Vickie doesn't "mean" to gloat -- I am so envious of her. If it weren't for my daughter, I'd consider joining my brother in California. He moved out there because his daughter lives there now. We have a blizzard watch here in MA. {HUGE sigh}
Things are quiet here - plowed out, but staying in. I'd like to go and pick up some odds and ends, but no money until the end of the month. There's nothing I "really need" anyway, so I might as well just stay in and keep warm. As long as I have milk for my tea, I'm all set. I've got enough food stocked to last a while. I've been puttering around, trying to get the place picked up a bit. Can't wait for Spring - I'm planning a big purge.
Hope everyone is doing well. Have a good day.
Good afternoon Carla and everyone......
Carla...always on the move....don't you like your home...LOL!!! Hope you post some pics on Facebook soon.
Vickie....I am so happy to here you are 98% healed....that is wonderful! 92 degrees sounds so perfect to me. It will be at least July before we get those temps here. Enjoy it for me!! Normal clothes....I have a closet full that are too many cute things don't fit. I really have to get serious and do something about this!! Good luck at the house tomorrow....I do know how much you want everyone out of YOUR house!! So happy you will be meeting with your friend....that is so exciting!! Good memories will be made! That will surely brighten your days. Budder is cutting a can that be. He is just changing so much so quickly. I love that age as well. They are so fun and learning so much. How is sweet little Benny with his little brother? The pics are always so sweet. You Valentine's Day meal sounded just perfect!! had me LOL at the comment about our sweet Vickie. I also got a chuckle out of the remark about the terrorist tots...hooks...LOL! I too would love to get together with all you ladies on OFF!! I pray all is going well with you!
Judy...I am so glad you finally found a decent man to do maintenance. As for Bandit...something is wrong for him to bite you. OUCH!! Hope your hand heals well. Watch for infection! Glad Bandit will be groomed this week...poor little guy!! Hope you can relax some this weekend!!
Jennifer...always in my thoughts and in my prayers!!
Mary....take a day for yourself. Do what ever you want or nothing at all. Have a great day!
Trish...I am having those injections done on my thumbs on Tuesday. They have helped me so much in other areas. My problem is that I run a fever and am in so much pain for a couple days after the numbing wears off. The first day I can't hardly walk by myself. My body is just so sensitive to any medication. This happens pretty much with any surgical procedure. My friend, Pam usually stays with me the first night. I am still keeping you and all your family, Toby and Hunter, and all their family in my prayers. This is still a difficult time for all of you. How is little Lincoln doing now?
Eileen....hope you are doing better with your pain too. I don't know how you can work like that. Hope you are getting in a little time for you as well.
I know I am missing so many....I am sorry about that...I am just drawing a blank. You are all important to me!!
As for me...I felt better yesterday earlier in the day. Last night not so well. Today I do have a lot more energy and hope it lasts the rest of the day! I am tired of being sick. I plan on taking it easy the rest of the weekend so I can be sure I am over this. I did eat some chicken breast and veggies for lunch. So far so good!! I really want a small chef salad but am holding off on that for a couple more days. Lucas is still not feeling 100% and he had this days before I got it. Gracie is feeling better. She is eating and has more energy so that is a good sign. She still has a nasty cough but with pneumonia that is pretty normal. Thanks for keeping us all in your thoughts and prayers!
Wishing you all a nice day!!
Prayers continue for our precious OFF family.
Lots of love and many hugs to all....connie d
Good Evening Carla, and OFF Family,
I just finished eating supper, after being at the zoo all day, and stopping at the grocery store on the way home. I am so exhausted, I can't figure out why. My B12 is up to date, and I've had 3 out of 4 iron infusions.
Tonight, I have a Bible study DVD to watch, and then work on. I'm DVRing "In The Heat Of The Night," because I've never seen it, and always wanted to.
Colleen, Trent and the kids went to his parents, with all his siblings' families, to help Toby open all the sympathy cards, and start writing Thank You notes. Toby had requested donations for Hunter's college fund. It seems he can pay for the boy's college education at a state school here in Michigan now, at today's tuition rate.
I'd address all of you personally, but I'm so tired, the only thing I can remember is Vickie gloating about her warm temps. I promise, when we are in the 80s, and she's in 110 heat, I promise to gloat at least once.
Albert Schweitzer